unknow artist The degollamiento of the espanoles or a tzompantili pro-Indian of 1898 mk171
the revenge before the invader
unknow artist I exercise republican, peloton chichimeco and imperial execution mk171
unknow artist The nations barbaras in imperial audience mk171
the portrait of carlos v in the wall, like the witness of honor
unknow artist A Bismarck mk171
unknow artist El orden procesional de la sociedad barroca versus el orden social de la republica imposible mk171
unknow artist The fever of the gold or the interrogations of Coyoacan mk171
unknow artist Soldier and true columnist mk171
Bernal Diaz of the Castle or a hard one mentis against lopez of Gomara.
unknow artist Ouemar the ships mk171
to win the kingdom
unknow artist Al to double the knee of the steps of the throne and to kiss him the hand al Emperador mk171
this I raise itself and him
pidio news of the pies conquered
unknow artist Flare of command in hand, fire in the sea to the backs mk171
Courts, with the face straightened up, forward al altiplano
unknow artist The Monument to the independence to middle to build and the independence mk171
from Palace, Compromised for the future
unknow artist The look of the oto, between failures to meet up and cruelties mk171
unknow artist The New Espana personified before the imperial majesty of Carlos V the isabel of Portugal mk171
Donates Carmen and Donates Navy, of the same lineage
unknow artist The New Espana personified before the imperial majesty of Carlos V the isabel of Portugal mk171
Donates Carmen and Donates Navy, of
the same lineage
unknow artist The prendimiento of the Brave one mk171
the brightness of a heroe tragico, The treachery of the invader, the baseness of an
unknow artist In Otumba, the harangue of Courts mk171
we Continue l cross, with this senal we will conquer
unknow artist Xicotencatl the Boy, tribune and comandonte mk171
a portrait of the young one Diaz antiintervencionista
unknow artist Motrimonio, mk171
baptism and penitenica, sacraments of the evangelizacion
unknow artist Miracles questioned, the effects of the conversion mk171
The transfer of the Virgin to its First hermitage
unknow artist Hociendo countries mk171
cutting heads
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unknow artist